Goldilocks and the 20 Penguins- penguins find a wombat sleeping in their nest
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A group of little blue penguins, after having their dinner, jump out of the ocean and waddle up the beach to their nests to discover they have a surprise visitor using their nest. The sleepy, little wombat looks very comfortable. They aren't quite sure what to do?!
Little blue penguins, the smallest of the penguins, nest and breed at many different sites in Tasmania. I have watched them come ashore and at their nesting grounds. It's a privilege to see them and wombats, both wild, and in Tasmania, where I live.
"Goldilocks and the 20 Penguins" is printed on William Turner 310gsm print version textured water colour paper, which retains the look and feel of water colour paintings. No wonder I have so many people ask me if the print is an original painting!
The A-4 and A-3 sizes are a Limited Edition Print run of 500.
The A-2 and A-1 sizes are a Limited Edition Print run of 100.
If you'd like an A-5 sized print (15cm x 21cm) $15.00, plus $5.00 postage, please contact me at: pjpaintings@gmail.com. If you'd like merchandise with this image (mugs, pillow cases and more), please visit Redbubble https://pjpaintings.redbubble.com and/or search: Patricia Hopwood-Wade.
All my paintings are copyrighted. They are created from my imagination and are not available for reproduction in any manner without permission from the artist, Patricia Hopwood-Wade (pjpaintings@gmail.com).