My day setting up at Salamanca Market commenced with my next-door neighbour stallholder off-key singing “here we go again” and “I don’t know the next line” with a variety of background birds singing their morning birdsongs.
My first customer was a local with her sister, visiting from north of Newcastle, NSW. They purchased a Piggyback, Maggie and Maggie & Maggie print. https://pjpaintings.com/collections/wombats/products/piggyback
Next came another sister visiting her sister, who lives here and works at Tiger ina Papera Unique Woodcraft Salamanca Gallery https://www.facebook.com/TigerInaPaperaUniqueWoodcraftsalamancagallery/ in Salamanca Place where my original paintings are selling. They bought Scarlet Robins, Maggie & Maggie and Blossoming Friendship. https://pjpaintings.com/collections/birds
A mother and daughter visited the stall and bought Glamour Girls for her sister who is a hairdresser in Romania! The daughter is visiting her aunt soon and will give this print as a gift to her. https://pjpaintings.com/collections/emus/products/glamour-girls-1
A visitor returning home on Friday, will be taking Afternoon Siesta over the ocean to the UK. https://pjpaintings.com/collections/wombats
Another visitor from the UK purchased Christmas Siesta for her great niece also living in the UK. https://pjpaintings.com/collections/christmas
A couple visiting from Poland bought an Enchanted Forest III, The Three Amigos III and a House Sharing print. They returned later in the day to have a photo taken with the artist.
A tourist from New York, USA, eventually settled on buying a Glamour Girls, Wombat Adventurer and Salamanca Fresh print.
A friend, of a friend, of a friend was tasked to hunt down a Lost Worlds print. Her colleague loved her friend’s print and wanted one for herself. When she found out she was coming to Tasmania for a holiday, she asked her to look for another one. It will be hung in her house in Redcliffe, Queensland. Armed with this photo, she hunted my stall down. https://pjpaintings.com/collections/unfurling/products/lost-worlds
A Southern Flow print was purchased for her nephew in the UK that is mad about whales.
A young gentleman from Colombia, South America, who is an engineer currently living in Melbourne and planning to return to Colombia in two years, purchased a Double Date V print.
Two pairs of Superb fairywrens
A couple visiting from Norway, both Australians that worked in Norway and decided to stay and live there, purchased a Weightless and Southern Flow print. https://pjpaintings.com/collections/whales
Then the end of the day arrived and we packed up in the heat of the day, accompanied by off-key singing of “here we go again”.
Cheers from, Patricia (PJ) Hopwood-Wade
Surprise of the day was – how many A-5 sized prints sold today.
Art thought for the week: “A Good artist has less time than ideas.” Martin Kippenberger
All my artwork is copyrighted. It comes from my imagination, drawings, and paintings. They are not to be reproduced in any manner without permission from the artist, Patricia Hopwood-Wade (pjpaintings@gmail.com).